Sunday, April 3, 2011


*this entry might be fully in english or maybe there is a little bit in malay. Oh guys, actually i'm trying to write my entry in english, i know that my english wasn't that good, probably like the standard 3 students who try to wrote in english,maybe. But, i'm trying!. first of all sorry for the broken english!. Let's read!. :)

*1/3 from the entire picture. i didn't know why i cut it and put it here, but this girl always regret what she had done before.

Have you ever regret about doing something or regret about what you say before?. Seriously i always being like that. Especially, i always regret about what i said before. Yea, Suraiya always regret about what she had said before. Always like that. Maybe it was because i never think about what should i said before i say anything. What a bad people larh you Suraiya!.

Regret. I just don't know why. why i kept regret about something that i had done before, about the things that i talk before. It was just the two things that i always regret. Talk!. doing something!. When i regret about something, i felt that i was a terribly bad person. Tapi, saya tak boleh mengundurkan masa lagi untuk membetulkan balik keadaan.Walaupun saya tahu ape yang saya buat itu adalah sesuatu benda yang tidak salah tapi, saya fikir itu adalah kesalahan. Urgh!. this thing makes my life terrible!.

Maybe i should try to change myself from now on. Yeah, i should try. Try to be a better person. I should berpegang pada pepatah "Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya". Kawan-kawan saya semua tahu yang saya jenis yang suka buat lawak. Dan kadang-kadang lawak yang saya buat tu, bila saya cakap dan saya fikir balik apa yang saya telah cakap, saya rasa sangat menyesal atas apa yang saya cakap. Itulah penyesalan saya. Tak tahu nak buat macam mana. Saya sentiasa rasa menyesal atas apa yang saya buat. Saya sentiasa rasa diri saya seorang yang teruk!. Saya sentiasa rasa, saya perlu ubah sikap saya, tapi, saya buat juga seperti sikap saya yang sebelumnya.

Ottoke?. Help me!.

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